
Compliance with Industry Standards
All Organic Coffee is grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Organic Coffee farmers use compost fertilizer made from the mulch of coffee cherries, cattle manure, and residues from inter-planted crops (banana, sugarcane, and cocoa among others) to produce a deep, rich level to topsoil for their trees. The topsoil gives the coffee plant essential nutrients which provide you with a richer, fuller, and bigger taste. As an alternate to pesticides, organic farmers use traps, introduce rival species (birds are great!), and literally pour over their trees by hand to remove any unwanted pests.
Below menu reflects retail pricing. Prices listed reflect 12oz. whole bean or ground. See extended menu for more options. Customers with wholesale accounts will be charged accordingly. Prices subject to change without notice.
*Note: Coffees are listed from left to right as lightest to darkest.