Hear from satisfied customers why they prefer Kahvé coffees and teas.

Thanks for the Memories!
I just recently returned from a week’s trip to Boston where every morning I drank delicious coffee at a café in the South End. I realized very soon that I was enjoying the best coffee I have ever had in my life. When I returned home, I dearly missed that wonderful morning brew. I had to know what it was! You can’t imagine how thrilled I was to find out found out from a friend that I can order this coffee straight from you. Thank you for introducing me to a truly great cup of coffee. Every morning now, when I brew a pot of Kahvé Koffee, I am fondly reminded of the wonderful time I had in Boston and the great coffee discovery I made there.
- Brian - Houston, TX
Hooked on Kahvé
Is there a support group for love addicts to Kahvé Koffee??? I desperately need one. Ever since I tried Kahvé's espresso, I can no longer go to a café or restaurant and enjoy any other coffee. I’m spoiled for life and lovin' it!
- Susan - Detroit, MI
Kahvé Calling
I just love your coffee and your service and how easy it is to navigate your website!!! I also recently turned my family onto your coffee. The only drawback was that my mother, brother and sister fell so much in love with Kahvé, they were constantly calling me to order them some. We finally had to have a family meeting so that I could introduce them to your website and how easy it is to order their own Kahvé. Now they call me less but I have more time to relax and enjoy my Kahvé in peace. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
- K.G. - Brewster, NY
Just Another Customer Rave!
I've been working in downtown Natick, MA for the past 2 years, and there's a little shop down the street called Bakery on the Common. My coworkers and I agree that there is NO PLACE better for coffee, period... and there are literally 9 places you can get coffee within a mile radius, including Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. Hands down, Bakery on the Common has the tastiest, zippiest coffee in greater Boston and on rough mornings we always say it's "definitely a Bakery day" because we are completely willing to pay a little extra for that delicious, save-the-day cup.
Well today I FINALLY had the sense in my morning noggin to ask the nice girl at the counter what brand they used. She showed me the container and it was Kahvé. I had never heard of it but I memorized the spelling and looked it up online as soon as I got to work (yes, I took time out of my work day to write to you!) I was delighted to find out I could purchase your coffee online! I am super excited to have the ability to make it at home on the weekends in my traditional coffeemaker and enjoy this amazing coffee on my days off.
I just had to share my story and let you know that you have ANOTHER convert.. Kahvé Koffee forever, I'm never going back!
- Paulette G. - Natick, MA
Kahvé – Can’t Leave Home Without it.
I am running short of your fabulous coffee and plan to reorder right away. My favorite so far is Barcelona Blend. We have been using it for gifts as well as for our own home use. We have noticed our friends and relatives seem much more interested in having us visit if they think we will bring them a bag of Kahvé. In fact, we have so many invites coming up, I decided to make it easy and sign up for your Club Kahvé autoship program so I never have to worry about running short or arriving empty handed again.
- Allison O. - Chicago, IL
Kahvé: One Singular Sensation
What more can I say…Your Kahvé Koffee is absolutely sensational!!! Love the Varietals!
- Frank K. - St. Paul, MN
Tea for Two
My wife and I are avid evening tea drinkers. It is a ritual in our house every evening after dinner. We look forward to the time to relax together over a pot of tea. We have been drinking your Kahvé Koffee in the morning and have been singing its praises for some time now. We decided this time to try your Roji tea along with our usual coffee order. I must say we were pleasantly surprised at the excellent selection and quality of your Roji teas. We will surely be ordering not only our beloved coffee but also tea for two in the future.
- Michael – Westport, CT
Pack Lightly: Carry Kahvé
I send it ahead or pack it in my suitcase whenever I travel. I’m not taking any chances on any other coffee to start my day other than my tried and true Kahvé Koffee. Why ruin a perfectly good vacation when you can easily have travel assurance!
- Amy – New London, CT
Dunkin’ Donuts Just Doesn’t Do it Anymore
Give me Geneva Blend any day… No more Dunkin’ Donuts coffee for me! This is what real good coffee is supposed to taste like!
- Janice – Newton, MA
Kahvé Craving
Every morning I emerge from my cave to satisfy my Kahvé Koffee Craving. Grinding the beans… inhaling the aroma… taking that first unmistakably full bodied sip. This Kahvé ritual of mine is one of my most enjoyable morning perks. It's all so convenient too… freshly roasted beans delivered right to my door, great prices, great quality... What more could your average cave man ask for!
- Steve - Denver, CO
Finicky Felines
Kahvé is such a favorite in our house that as soon as I open the bag and begin to brew, our two cats come racing downstairs and sit in front of the coffee maker begging with their eyes. They have come to learn that milk goes with coffee and that I give them a tiny bit as a treat whenever I make my morning Kahvé. Out of curiosity, I tried the same procedure with another brand of coffee. To my amazement, they did not come! – only when Kahvé is brewing! --- How’s that for a testimonial! Even the cats know the difference! They are very sensitive to smell and will even know when the milk is old before I do. So I went on autoship to be sure I never run out of fresh ground coffee for both me and my finicky felines. And recently, as I have progressed to a darker roast, I’ve noticed the stronger the brew, the louder the meew!
- Judy - Newton, MA
All in the Family
I have been a fan of your coffee for some time now and have enjoyed trying several of your different blends and sharing my discoveries with my family. The only drawback has been that now my family all have different favorites that they want brewed in the morning. French, Geneva, Barcelona and Sumatran are the current brews du jour. They don’t want to wait for the coffee machine to be available so I have had to purchase extra coffee makers to satisfy their various Kahvé cravings. Now my counter top has nothing but coffee makers brewing your aromatic Kahvé all day long. I guess that’s the price one pays for perfection!
- Dave – Vienna, VA
One Stop Shopping
I have been a big fan of your coffee for years but I would be remiss not to let you know how much I also love your Harney silken tea sachets! They are so elegant, yet so easy. I love serving them to friends at parties and I have ordered several of your lovely tins and tagalongs for holiday gifts. It is all so convenient to order my tea along with my fabulous coffee and it saves me shipping from two sites. I also love your extremely reasonable prices! No need to shop anywhere else for me. I’m good to go!
- Lori - Sarasota, FL
Kahvé Convert
Hi - I just had to write and I never do this. I just received my coffee order, brewed up a pot of your Full City and I am blown away. It’s so smooth, and delicious. That’s it… I am never buying a cup of Starbucks again. Now, I know what a truly great cup of coffee is supposed to taste like. Can’t wait to try some of your other blends. You have a convert for life!
- Greg - Cleveland, OH
Coffee Snobs
Actually, it’s the best coffee we’ve ever had. Coffee is very important to us. In fact, we consider ourselves real coffee snobs. Right now, Cordoba is our favorite, but we’re excited to try many more! We even pick our local restaurants based on whether or not they serve Kahvé. Why not enjoy a good meal from start to finish! And by the way, on that note, your Danish Decaf is the best decaf we have ever tasted – We can’t tell it’s not caffeinated! – In fact it is so good and rich and full bodied that I asked the waiter to double check that it’s really decaf so I was assured I would have no trouble sleeping at night. I drink it every night now at home and I assure you I sleep like a contented baby! What a find your company is! I feel so privileged to live in the Boston area to enjoy your coffee while dining in or out!
- Gwen and Robert - Boston, MA
Who Says the English Just Drink Tea?
Give me a good cup of coffee any day. Unfortunately, the local coffee here in the UK is awful. I was introduced to your coffee while visiting a friend in the US last summer. It was so lovely, I couldn’t wait to get home and order some for myself. I must say, I am having a jolly good time trying all the different brews and your service to the UK is splendid. Thank you Kahvé. Leave it to the Yanks to make a really good cup of coffee!
- Jenny T. – Hertsfordshire, England
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!
This coffee is great! I have permanently made the switch from my old brand (I’m too embarrassed to even name names but it is one of the leading advertised ones). I’d rather put my money where my mouth is now … drinking your wonderful coffee!
- Jack - Phoenix, AZ
Kahvé Koffee: Drink Responsibly
Kahvé helps me get my day off to a satisfying start. It begins with the aroma of freshly ground beans that have been roasted to my specifications. Waiting for the brew cycle to complete enhances my anticipation. The first few sips enter my bloodstream awaking my senses… bringing a sigh of contentment… then a smile. After that, Kahvé has done its job and it's my responsibility to have a good day.
- David – Cherry Hill, NJ
Bitch's Brew
I can't recommend Kahvé Koffee if you're a chronic complainer. There's just no room for complaint.
Q. You know what's wrong with Kahvé Koffee?
A. Absolutely nothing.
- Daniela - San Francisco, CA
Feelin’ Clean and Green with Kahvé
Hello - I'm a big fan of Espresso Express coffees - I've used your beans at home for some time and used to work at a cafe that used your most excellent beans. I recently heard that you may have a store or facility moving to Soldier’s Field Rd. in Brighton. I work in the area and was very interested in if this is, in fact, true. If so, would a customer be able to get beans or even a cup of coffee/espresso there, or is it just a distribution center? I would be thrilled if I were able to get coffee so close to work. The only other option close by is Starbucks, and when I go in to a Starbucks I feel dirty. Please let me know if there is any truth to your possible arrival.
- Damon A. – Boston, MA
Customer Service’s Reply:
Dear Damon, Thank you for your interest in Espresso Express coffee now known to the online market as Kahvé Koffee. We have just moved as of September to a newly renovated “green” building at 415 Western Ave in Brighton, MA. This is in fact our distribution center so we unfortunately are not zoned to have a coffee bar to provide hot coffee to our customers. We can, though, direct you to some of our retail clients who serve our coffee in your area. Feel free to call Diane in customer service at 617-782-0020 for more details and thanks again for your interest.
Kahvé Customer Service
Wake up and Smell the Kahvé!
I had stopped drinking commercial coffee for several years due to both the acid indigestion and increase in heart rate it produced. I switched to decaf but still had trouble with the acid and the taste was like drinking brown water. Then I discovered Kahvé. I ordered a decaf coffee in a local restaurant one night and to my surprise it tasted exactly like regular coffee. I even made the waitress go back and check the bag to make sure it was indeed decaf, otherwise I would be up all night. She came back and showed me the bag which said Kahvé Danish Decaf. I slept great that night and with no acid indigestion. I was hooked! Next day, I looked up Kahvé Koffee online. I was so thrilled they had a website and put an order in right away. Soon, I began ordering the regular blends as well and found to my delight I had none of the unpleasant reactions I had had in the past from other coffee brands. I am now a devout member of Club Kahvé and can’t wait to wake up in the morning to make my coffee. Thanks to Kahvé, I have actually become a morning person! My favorite blends are Cordoba and Venizia and of course my first love, Danish Decaf. Since I’ve turned my friends and family on to Kahvé, it’s hard to keep it in the house. When I go to a party now, they tell me to bring coffee instead of desert. Thank you Kahvé for making me a believer again!
- Linda S. - Wellesley, MA
Kahvé at Your Service
I received my order right on time, even after I called to change something. So nice these days to have such great customer service! Please compliment Diane for her prompt and cheerful attention. I have a feeling I’ll be drinking only Kahvé Koffee from now on.
- Sarah – Atlanta, GA
Kahvé Koffee: A Prescription for Wellness
Do you want to be happy?… well here is my prescription: Every morning… Grind fresh aromatic Kahvé beans… Brew a pot of rich Kahvé Koffee… Pour yourself a cup of Kahvé… Take your first sip… Sit back… Note your satisfaction… Check your supply… Replenish beans by ordering online… Repeat as necessary. (Better still, join Club Kahvé, as I did, and have your prescription auto shipped. You’ll be glad you did). PS. I am lovin’ your Barcelona Blend - can’t wait to try some others.
- John - Providence, RI
Kahvé Dreamin’
Best alarm clock ever! – Finally a sensible reason to get up every morning. I dream in anticipation every night of starting my day off the right way… with Kahvé!
- Jill –Syracuse, NY
Muse from “Down Under”
Hi - In response to the request for feedback about shopping experience - I have to let you all know how much I love your decaf coffees! I am a migraine sufferer so cannot drink caffeinated coffee without repercussions and your decaf coffee is the smoothest, non-chemical tasting decaf I've been able to find anywhere. My husband also loves your Sumatran Mandheling. We recently moved from Boston to Charleston, SC and are glad that you ship "down under". Thanks for being in business!
- Jean- Charleston, SC
Nobody Does it Better!
I was at a friend’s 50th birthday celebration last summer aboard a chartered yacht in Rhode Island. Somewhere, in between the glasses of champagne, I began talking about coffee to another guest I had just met from Boston. I told her that the best decaf coffee I ever had was in a famous Boston Restaurant. This decaf was indistinguishable to regular coffee in taste and I wished I had found out what it was. When I told the woman the name of the restaurant, she said that they just so happen to serve her husband’s coffee there. What a fortunate coincidence! I asked if I could purchase the same coffee for home use and she told me how to buy it online. I am now a regular customer of Kahvé Koffee and have enjoyed many of their other wonderful blends of coffee and espressos as well. At parties, I continue to sing your praises. Kahvé, as far as I am concerned… Nobody does it better!
- Lorraine, - Newport, RI
Kahvé Diem
As the father of eight month old twins, sleep interruptions take their toll and sleep deficit continues to increase. Somehow I manage to continue to keep going despite the sleep deprivation. Don't know how I'd make it through the morning without those deliciously satisfying morning cups of Kahvé. When childcare help arrives at noon, I have a choice; take a nap or do the activities I enjoy. Kahvé helps me opt for the activities I love and thereby helps me achieve a fuller and richer life. Thank you Kahvé!
- Seth, Aspen, CO
Critique from the Coffee Capital
I can’t believe I am saying this but your coffee is better than any of our famous local brands. They are either too burnt tasting, too acidic or just plain flavorless. Yours on the other hand is consistently rich, full bodied, and aromatic. Coming from the original coffee capital of the US, that is really something to boast about. You definitely are on the cutting edge. Way to go Kahvé!
- Jeff – Seattle, WA
New Coffee Convert!
Last night my husband and I dined at Teatro. He ordered a black cup of coffee after dinner and as soon as he took a sip, he asked me to try it. He knows that I love the way coffee smells but have never been able to drink black coffee. I don’t drink coffee because by the time I have to doctor it up with milk and sugar I might as well drink a cup of plain tea. He insisted and I finally relented and I was amazed at the flavor, smoothness and lack of bitterness, It was the first time I have ever truly enjoyed the flavor of black coffee. I immediately asked where I could buy this coffee and the waiter came back with your company’s information. I only need now to find out which type of coffee you sell to Teatro and I will be happy to place an order. I have tried coffee in Europe and Kona, HI and elsewhere and have never enjoyed it as much as yours. Congratulations on making such an exceptional product. Looking forward to hearing from you.
-Barbara - Boston, MA
Customer Service’s Reply:
Hi Barbara,
Thank you so much for that wonderful testimonial to our coffee. I am not sure whether you ordered regular or decaf but we sell Teatro both our Regular and Decaf Italian blend (which just so happens to be my favorite as well ). You can order it online at www.kahvekoffee.com. If you have a grinder at home, I recommend getting the whole bean and grinding it as you use it to keep it fresh and storing it in a light and air protected canister. Just make sure your grinder is set at the grind appropriate for your coffee maker. The Italian regular beans will appear oily and that is normal for such a dark coffee.
Customer Reply: We ordered a regular cup of coffee last night but I saw on your website that your decaf is highly recommended as well. We appreciate your detailed response and advice and are looking forward to trying several of your coffees. I can't wait to give some to our friends and family for Christmas.