Is the flavor of your coffee being drowned out by ice? Read these helpful tips…

Chillin' with Kahvé
According to Martha Stewart, and we wholeheartedly agree, your first sip is just right, but by the time you get to the bottom of a long, cool glass of iced coffee, you're drinking a watery shadow of your former beverage. On the other hand, if the ice is made from coffee, it won't dilute your drink as it melts. Freeze hot coffee in an ice-cube tray, then use the cubes to cool your brew. You can apply the same principle to iced tea as well by freezing leftover tea into cubes.
Taking it One Step More
The secret to an iced coffee that has delicious flavor without the bitter taste or over-sweetness is to make it the night before using the cold-brew method. Instead of making the traditional pot of hot coffee and then chilling it, you soak the coffee grounds overnight in cold water. It makes a tremendous difference in flavor: it’s smoother and easier to drink, so you don’t need to add extra sugar to cover up any acidic taste.
It’s super-easy to make in the French press, but you could also use a glass jar and sieve.
- The night before, start with 1/4 cup of coarse ground coffee, and add 1 cup of cold filtered water.
- The next morning add 1 more cup of water.
- Strain and pour into a chilled glass over ice (makes two glasses).
“Heat brewing releases acids and oils, and as the coffee sits in the refrigerator, the bitterness intensifies,” according to a NY times article. Cold-brew coffee is 67% less acidic making it smooth, rich and naturally “sweeter.”
Freeze leftovers in ice cube trays for next time and you're good to go.